Candidate Testing Information
The Ontario Fire Administration Inc. Candidate Testing Services (CTS) consists of six (6) steps. The following information on the subsequent pages is a description of each of the six steps, and the activities involved in each step. Step Four consists of our assessments.
Step One: Firefighter Information
Step Two: Candidate Self Selection
Step Three: Candidate Registration
Step Four: Candidate Testing
Step Five: OFAI CTS Certificates
Step Six: Application for Employment
Step One: Firefighter Information
Step One involves the review in consideration of applying to a firefighter position within the Province of Ontario. This involves reviewing information related to the minimum requirements for the position of firefighter in the Province of Ontario. Step One also involves reviewing information related to the creation of a cover letter, resume as well as information related to interview situations. Further information is also provided regarding a day in the life of a firefighter in Ontario. Information related to the legal requirements for working as a firefighter in the province of Ontario is provided as well as medical requirements for application to a firefighter role in Ontario.
Cover Letter, Resume and Interviewing
Information is provided on the OFAI website for the creation of a cover letters and resumes, as well as how to prepare for and perform during an interview. Applicants are encouraged to start creating their cover letters and resumes as early in the process as possible, and to start preparing themselves for an interview as soon as possible.

Step Two: Applicant Self Selection
The purpose of Step Two in the OFAI process is to offer the opportunity to conduct a self-assessment questionnaire.
This questionnaire will help applicants assist them in determining whether they meet standard requirements for a firefighter position in Ontario. Once candidates have reviewed the information in Step One, completed the self-assessment questionnaire in Step Two and have determined that they are committed, motivated and able to successfully complete the recruitment activities during the selection process as well as maintain the requirements in being a firefighter, potential candidates can move onto Step Three.
Step Three: Candidate Registration
This step involves the selection of a dates and times to attend a testing session. Upcoming testing dates are available on this website on our upcoming test dates. To obtain a full OFAI Certificate in which you can apply to participating municipal fire service, candidates must pass the following assessments:
1. Stage One – Firefighter Aptitude and Character Test™
2. Stage Two – Hearing Assessment
3. Stage Two – Vision Assessment
4. Stage Two – Encapsulated Treadmill Test
5. Stage Three – Firefighter Physical Aptitude Job – Related Tests (FPAT)
6. Stage Three – Firefighter Technical Skills Assessment
Candidates must register online. All candidates will have an online account through the OFAI website.
Once candidates have registered for a testing session, they will be required to download the applicable pre-assessment guides from this website. The pre-assessment guides contain information on what is involved in each assessment process, how to prepare, what to bring, required forms and what candidates can do to perform optimally in the assessments they will be completing. The OFAI considers the pre-assessment guides as a required part of each assessment.
Step Four: Candidate Testing
Step Four consists of three stages of assessments. The following outlines all of the OFAI assessments in Step Four which, if passes successfully, will enable you to receive your OFAI certificates. Your certificates will enable candidates to apply to participating municipalities. It is important to note that all candidates must follow the testing process as outlined. In addition, candidates will only pay for the assessments that they take. Click on the following assessments for information, pricing, validity periods and re-testing policies. Each assessment has various validity periods, therefore, each stage is awarded separate certificates.
Step Five: OFAI CTS Certificate
CTS Certificate(s)
Once you have successfully completed each Stage, your certificate(s) will be uploaded to candidates online account. There are six different certificates as each assessment has a different validation period.
Your certificate(s) will be uploaded to your online account within two to four business days. All valid certificates are offered as a downloadable PDF from your online user account It is recommended that candidates download and save certificates to their personal computers. Once a certificate has expired it is no longer available for download from your account.
Step Six: Application for Employment
This is the step in the process where applicants engage a municipal fire department in application for a vacancy.
A successful applicant can now submit their applications and cover letters/resumes to participating municipalities along with the mandatory submission of your OFAI CTS Certificates. Municipalities will review applications and decide who they wish to invite for an interview based upon their hiring processes and requirements. As part of this process, the municipal fire service can extend a conditional offer of employment to candidates, followed by subsequent reference checks, security clearance checks and driver’s abstracts etc.
It is important to note that each municipality in Ontario sets their own hiring criteria.
Step One: Firefighter Information
- Information on the requirements that are needed to enter the fire service.
- Resume guidance.
- Promotion of the fire service Ontario.
- Minimum requirements to become a firefighter in Ontario.
- Legal and medical requirements.
Step Two: Candidate Self Selection
- Candidate completes a self-assessment questionnaire which will assist to determine whether they meet minimum requirements.
- Explanation of process and fees.
- Registration process information.
Step Three: Candidate Registration
- Candidate registers.
- Candidate selects testing dates & times
- Candidate downloads OFAI CTS pre-test guide(s).
Step Four: Candidate Testing
- Testing components can be divided into three stages when required to meet outreach goals.
- Each testing component is valued individually. For example, if a candidate doesn’t pass the aptitude & interpersonal assessment, they cannot continue through the process nor do they have to pay for the additional tests. There is a fifteen day re-test period after the first failure, and a thirty day re-test period for subsequent failures on all assessments.
Stage One
1. Firefighter Aptitude and Character Test (Validity Period 24 Months) $75.00
Stage One Certificate Awarded
Stage Two
2. Hearing Assessment (Validity Period 24 Months) $50.00
2. Vision Assessment (Validity Period 24 Months) TBD by Optometrist
4. Encapsulated Treadmill Test Assessment (Validity Period 6 Months) $110.00
Stage Two Certificates Awarded
Stage Three
5. FPAT (Validity Period 12 Months) $212.00
6. Firefighter Technical Skills Assessment (Validity Period 12 Months) $270.00
Stage Three Certificates Awarded
Step Five: CTS Certificate
- Candidate receive a “pass or fail”.
- Candidates will receive their certificate(s) and will be ready to apply to OFAI CTS participating municipalities.
- Note: Rankings will not be provided to the candidate nor to the municipality.
Step Six: Application for Employment
- Candidate submits their application with the mandatory OFAI CTS certificate(s) to a participation municipality.
- Municipality reviews the resumes and determines candidates for interviews based on their hiring processes and requirements.